Bluespace P90 - AIM.
By Blues - 2022.
So my monitor broke and playing from 13" is no fun so I've
spent my free time mapping.
I wanted to make something more bright and fast paced with
good chances of pulling a knife kill.
The P90 is a very fast and fun weapon. With a nice 50 bullets
magazine, it can occasionally make a long headshot,
evil on short distance and good for running fast.
This map is best played with detail textures enabled
(r_detailtextures 1)
The exterior area is not meant to be playable, though it can
be accessed/unlocked through the 2 exits? xD
The last independent storage location is being used by NATO
to store weapons.
A group of evil terrorists, has found and stole a shipment
of P90 submachine guns and are trying to eliminate
resistance from the protecting NATO forces.
Your goal: Kill all enemies and have fun!