She knows how to cosplay...
Amanozako felt pretty and decided to cosplay as Nyotengu again since she's a bit like her in many ways, well except in one department, which she had to do something about it.
After much asking and even a request, our much beloved Amanyozaku is back, sorry for taking a long time!!
This mod was originally a commission by Lukedo3001!
This mod features:
- Amanozako cosplaying as Nyotengu Costume 7;
- Re-cooked animations, all of hers, to add pre baked cloth and breasts physics (yes!). Also real time physics for her hair.
- Overall size increased;
- Portrait and icon were updated;
If you want a model ported to the game tell me on the comments, I might pick it if I like it. Commisison me a mod or coffee! Open.
Erm... I like some webdeving, so I maintain this simple page: It's a catalogue for mirrors but if i mod some other game where GMs are finicky, I might post our beloved Newborn for that game just there!
To give a moral support you can like or thank this mod page!!
Known issues:
- If you use any mod that alters Name, Lore, Skill Name or demon Icon: