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Arsène over Macabre

Arsène over Macabre
A Mod for Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance.



Arsène over Macabre Garden talk Battle cam Edited dmg animation from Jokers dmg anim in P5 LMAO


Completed mod from this W.I.P

Really happy with how this turned out. Ended up retargeting Joker's damage animation from P5 to throw onto Arsene and I think it's at least better than not having a dmg animation lol.

Run animation fairly straight forward, just edited an idle to look like he's moving forward (thank god I didn't have to make a walk cycle)

Fixed battle cam by adding Macabre's EFF/CAM/GAZE bones to Arsene's skeleton

Didn't figure out custom skills but I was at least able to change the name.

As a rule of thumb when I do modding I try to figure out what I can on my own because I'm stubborn, but I did hit a few walls and the guides here were helpful so shout out to mugenrei for sharing their knowledge (specifically the physics asset)

Also not doing a W.I.P. page again that's kinda lame I'll just do a normal mod page from the start and edit it later

I "think" everything is good with this but we'll see lmao
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