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Baiken (CMC v8) (Guilty Gear)

Baiken (CMC v8) (Guilty Gear)
A Mod for Super Smash Bros. Crusade.


Baiken (CMC v8) (Guilty Gear) Baiken (CMC v8) (Guilty Gear) Baiken (CMC v8) (Guilty Gear)

Baiken, The Samurai Slasher has arrived to CMC!

Baiken, The Samurai Slasher has arrived to CMC!

Her moveset is as follows

Neutral B: Tatami Gaeshi
  • Baiken slams a floor mat and causes it to lift up. While not present in the original game, I decided to have it reflect projectiles to cover her lack of far reaching attacks. On certain characters, it can chain multiple times.
Side B: Kabari
  • Baiken releases a chain forward. It is quite a slow move, so watch out when using it.
  • If the move is successful, it follow up with Tetsuzansen, a very strong launcher that can kill very early
Up B: Youzansen
  • A simple enough rising slash in a circular motion. This move is also quite strong.
Down B: Suzuran
  • An invincible dash. This move has 3 follow ups that can be done during the motion.
  • Attack button will follow up with Zakuro, A high pinwheel that has windboxes that will pull the enemy towards the pinwheel
  • Special Button will follow up with Sakura. A shieldbreaker thrust that will also stun the enemy for a bit if it connects.
  • Shield button will follow up with Mawarikomi. A dash that keeps the invincibilty all through out. This can effectively serve as a longer rolling dodge or used to gain invincibility while traveling through the air
Final Smash: Baiken has two different final smashes
  • Under 100%, she will do Tsurane Sanzu Watashi. Three slashes in a row.
  • Over 100%, she will do her instant kill, Garyou Tensei. Anyone caught by this move will just die after the animation is over.

Like Sol and Ky and Jam, Baiken also has a Z-Air airdash.

Still To Do's:
  • Palettes
  • Item Points
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