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BJoji128 - Reimagined CSS

BJoji128 - Reimagined CSS
A Mod for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.



CSS look In-Game CSS with 4 players CSS with 8 players

A new look for the CSS? COOL!

I have to be honest, I never liked what Ultimate's CSS was like. It's not bad, but I don't really like it, so I thought, WHY NOT I make my version of it? THEN, TODAY I BRING TO YOU... My custom Reimagined CSS! A little mod that add a new CSS look to Smash Ultimate with a new custom background (Made by me, ported In-Game by @Andres, thanks a lot bro), there is a video that shows you a little preview of the full banner in action! " "

How can I use this mod?
If you want to use this mod using vanilla Smash Ultimate roster, just descompress the .RAR file and add the folder called "[00][91+][BJOJI128] Reimagined CSS" in your mod folder. If you want to use it using a custom order/CSS, just paste inside this mod your own "message" and "param/database/" files/folders and if you did everything okay it need to work perfectly
I can use this mod as a template to make another CSS mod?
Only if you give the correct credits! If you did it then... Have fun using it as a base

AND THAT'S IT! Hope you like and enjoy a lot this little CSS mod that i did with a LOT of love; If u find an error, bug, have problems installing it, etc, u can tell me and I'm gonna do everything to help you and fix all, also feel free to DM me. See you next time:DD


Dependencies and prerequisites required to use this Mod

  1. A brain/j
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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