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Breath of Fire Improved

Breath of Fire Improved
Hack of Breath of Fire


This is a major rebalance hack that makes this game play more like the later games in the series, plus a few tweaks.
  • Some weapons and all armors have thier att/def and weight altered to the values of their later game counterparts
  • Level pacing is greatly altered with stat gains being reduced and levels occurring much more frequently (Max level stats based off of typical endgame stats in this game and a few tweaks based on later games.
  • Snes palette restored by ThegreatBen
  • more frequent occurrence of good equipment in Flea market
  • contains the text cleanup patch by vivify93.
  • Bleu (now renamed Deis) gains spells slower, forcing you to use lower tiered ones until further in the game.
  • Gobi buffed slightly
  • Version 1.1 fixed a glitch with text
  • version 1.2 fixed leveling issues, refined the flea market changes (still gives better equips more often) and removed StarHR (is now a free Mallet)
  • version 1.3 Restored StarHR, fixed more level up bugs, buffed some bosses that were still too weak.
  • version 1.4 adjusted Karn's fusion AP requirements
  • version 2.0 renamed all remaining items and spells to match the later games (most names have been extended to 8 letters), allows Bo to equip gloves with bows, and fixed some reported bugs.
2.4 replaces G with Zenny, fixes a few small bugs and adds the Sara edition optional patch.

ROM / ISO Information:

  • Platform Game Boy Advance
  • ROM format Gameboy Advance rom image
  • External Header No
  • File Size 4194304 (400000)
  • ROM Size 4194304 (400000)
  • ROM CRC32 4BBBE9A2
  • ROM SHA-1 04C15F2B2E7C504F40B97E3A30F2CD591BC7AEF8

RHDN Hack Image
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