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Chrono Trigger Soundtrack Expansion

Chrono Trigger Soundtrack Expansion
Hack of Chrono Trigger


Chrono Trigger's soundtrack is widely acclaimed as one of the best of all time. However, the songs you hear in the game are not the complete soundtrack. There are actually 12 more songs that are part of Chrono Trigger's larger identity.

Songs from the OST
  • Frog's Theme (With Intro)
  • Singing Mountain
  • Battle 2
Songs from the PSX and DS re-releases
  • A Meeting with Destiny
  • One Sunny Day When We Met
  • Scattering Blossoms
  • A Time to Rest -After the Battle-
Songs from the Pre-Release cartridge
  • Keeper's Dome
  • Ascend to the Light
  • Boss Battle 3
  • Battle 1 Rough
And finally, songs that exist only as data chunks in the rom
  • Alarming Crisis
  • Rat-A-Tat-Tat It's… Mitsuda
This patch expands the soundtrack of the SNES game to include all 12 songs. For the 5 songs that were never on a Super Nintendo cartridge, small re-arrangements have been made to recreate the music on the SNES sound chip. There are no tricks going on here; all music that you hear is actually playing through the SNES sound engine, with no MSU-1 audio required.

There are 6 versions of the patch included. One is the standard patch which you can add to an unmodified rom. One is a data only patch for romhackers that adds the new music, but does not place it anywhere in the rom. The other 4 are addendum patches that allow you to add the Soundtrack Expansion to other popular romhacks, including Enhansa Edition, 2 versions of the Bugfix and Uncensoring Patch, and Chrono Trigger+.

ROM / ISO Information:

  • Database match: Chrono Trigger (USA)
  • Database: No-Intro: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (v. 20210222-050638)
  • File/ROM SHA-1: DE5822F4F2F7A55ACB8926D4C0EAA63D5D989312
  • File/ROM CRC32: 2D206BF7



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