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A Mod for Counter-Strike 1.6.


Hostage rescue map set in Atlanta suburbs


1) Timeline.

2) 911 Call.

3) Briefing.

4) Blueprint (drawing).

5) Potential hostages.

6) Points of interests.



20:03 - Recently stolen black van arrives to the store building.
20:04 - An unknown group of armed people disembarks and opens fire upon civillians.
20:06 - 911 call from the cashier who managed to flee the scene. Dispatch notifies emergency services. SWAT notified.
20:07 - Criminals break into the security room, disable CCTV's and lock the room by breaking the door.
20:09 - First units arrive: Patrol Units arrive on scene and begin to set up a perimeter. Patrol radios for ambulances.
20:11 - SWAT teams arrive and prepare for tactical entry.
20:14 - SWAT commander receives a call from FBI requesting to hold the perimeter until they arrive and start negotiations.
20:15 - The rest of the emergency units arrive on scene.
20:21 - Despite FBI orders, SWAT commander initials tactical entry for SWAT elements.

2) 911 CALL:

-This is 911 emergency, 1-0-7, hello?
- (female voice) They're shooting! They're shooting at us! Help! Please!
- Please calm down, madame. What is your current location?
- I... I dunno exact address! It-.. It's at a Roosevelt Highway! I-It's 24/7 Grocery Store!
Near Georgia International Convention Center! Please, do something! Help us!
They- They shot someone right in front of me! And I barely made it out alive!
- Have you seen the attackers?
- I-... No. Only like one guy and he had like a big gun and some strange vest!
But there was more than just him! I-I heard more shots from the warehouse too!
- Okay madame, I'm sending an ambulance and the police at your location.
Please, stay calm and try to find a safe spot somewhere.
- It's okay, I'm safe! I already ran away, b-but these bandits are still there! P-Please, hurry!


Alright element, listen up! We're being called up for a rapid deployment at an ongoing shots fired situation at 24/7 Convenience store. Multiple gunmen, likely heavily armed, shooting at civillians.
Since they saw the first patrol cars, the shots stopped. We suspéct they decided to take hostages instead of initial 'hit 'n run' plan. Witness reports are confusing and in some cases are conflicting, so we can't tell how many suspects are present or their exact equipment. EMTs are ready, but they won't come in until area is secured.

We strongly believe that this entire attack was made solely with the goal of killing one person, James Anderson. Anderson was an important witness on the Rodriguez' gang case, several years ago. For those of you who've forgotten everything, they were a gang of hispanic hired guns who eventually became 'famous' for hitting National Bank's armored truck, here in Atlanta. The gang was locked few days after the hit, thanks to Anderson's call.

We've provided change of name & address for the guy and his family, but it looks like there was a leak somewhere. Despite being locked, Rodriguez still remains quite powerful person even behind the bars, so our current guess is that either he, or his goons managed to hire someone who could potentially reach for Anderson and his family. His wife and kids are being escorted to a safe place as we speak, by the way.. But that's off topic right now.

We also found a girl who made 911 call. It's Amanda Wilson, she works as a cashier at the store, so she reported who was on shift with her and drew us approximate plan of the building. It is thanks to her that we have almost all necessary info for the entry. Still, she's just a human and can make mistakes, so stay sharp and don't lose your guard.

Now, we've established the perimeter and prepared two sniper spos for you. Sierra-1 is supposed to climb on top of the water tower and cover entry team from his position. Sierra-2 can climb the advertisement poster stand on the opposite site. We also requested to use nearby oil reservoire as a sniper position, but got an official refuse from our colleagues from the city hall. They're too afraid something can go wrong and we'll make a large fire. Which is why we actually even have a firefighting crew ready to act.

We've requested the bird to scout the area, so for this mission you'll have eyes in the sky. Our engineers managed to establish video feed between the chopper and our SWAT van. Means we can actually safely monitor situation from the sky. Things are not as bright with CCTV cams, however, as it looks like our hitmen managed to disable all the feed. We've, managed to get some old feed, though. Apparently criminals stole a truck few hours ago and used it in order to deliver the firearms to the store.

But yeah, we still don't know what's happening inside, how many criminals there are and how well they are armed. We also considered turning off the light in the store at some point, but according to the cashier, they run an inner generator at the warehouse, capable of keeping the light for the entire shop for several hours, so no chance. Looks like you'll have to act on the open light this time.

Now, let's discuss details. Take a look at the folder and make sure to remember everything:

4) Map blueprint:


5) Potential hostages:


Potential clients of the shop. We don't know their exact amount, but according to our caller, there was three to five clients in the shop when the shooting started. Some of them may have fled. Some could be still inside, injured, or even dead. Be extremely careful as you move forward.


Jason Connor - A white male, 46 years old. Janitor. Was about to finish his shift. We believe he is somewhere near maintenance room.


Deandre Johnson - African american male, 39 years old. Manager of the general store in question. If he is still alive, he might be hiding inside manager's room.


James Anderson - A white male, 34 years old. Store owner. He's our VIP here. If he's still alive, he could be hiding anywhere in the shop, or warehouse area. Make sure to extract him the first, if you see him.


Barney Rosenberg - A white male, 47 years old. Your ordinary elderly guard who is about to retire. Should be around back yard of the store, as this is where security room is located, according to shop workers.


Asad Abbar - An arabic male, 44 years old. Works as electrician in the store. Last time was seen in the generator room, checking the machinery.


Steven O'Reilly - A white male, 36 years old. Used to work as a warehouse loader. Last time he was seen near the forklift, unloading the cargo. Unfortunately we couldn't find the photo as he is relatively new person at the store.

6) Points of interest

Last but not least, please check our points of interest:

1) That's our best sniper spot for the right flank. We tried to get permission to use oil reservoire, but got denied by the city hall.


2) This old water tower would serve as a great sniping spot. Unfortunately, these 2 positions are the only ones we could afford. Forest is unreacheable, due to it's way too thick and our snipers would be too vulnerable.


3) The bird provides us aerial recon. Make sure to scout the area from the air by checking monitor located inside our SWAT van.


4) Store's main entrance. Nothing unusual here. You can see everything by yourselves through the glass windows.


5) Roof entrance. Please check the ladder on the left. You can climb it and either use door entrance or drop via top windows.


6) Back entrance. In fact there are 3 entrances. Either via warehouse gates, back doors, or the doors on the second floor. When inside, exercise caution.


At some moment we also considered sending you from the north side of the location, but apparently the forest there thick to move through. You'll make too much noise and become easy targets, so looks like we'll have to use main route only.

Several minutes ago we had a call from our 'colleagues'. Yeah, you guessed it - the FBI. They're sending an agent who is supposed to take control over this situation. What's worse, it's this Hernandez idiot. The one who messed up his negotiations and allowed forest-slaughterer maniac to slip away from us last month. And that's not even mentioning the rumors that he's corrupt as hell.

Ugh, what a j#rk! I'm sure he'll mess up everything this time as well. So just between us, and I trust this won't come anywhere further:
I pretended that the connection is bad and I couldn't hear him, so we still have some time before this j#ck@ss and his team arrives, but we are really short on time. They should be here literally any minute, so... I hate to say it, but please, hurry up with the operation. Lots of lifes are at stake and it's only us who can save them.
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