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Extra Slot Tutorial

Extra Slot Tutorial
A Tutorial for Sonic 3 A.I.R..


picture #1 picture #2 picture #3 picture #4 BEFORE picture #5 AFTER picture #6 picture #7 picture #8 picture #9


Hello everyone, today I'll try to teach you all how to make your own extra slot!

0. Preparing

First of all you need:

SHC version of ESU

Spirtesheet of your character (You can use Sonic's or other characters spritesheets from the game folder (also you can use this or this))

1. Starting

Now you need to create the mod folder. It should look like on picture #1. Then go to the ESU mod folder and take any script of char (here is the way s3air-extra-character-slots-unlimited\scripts\charscripts). Number at the end of the char name means its slot. Also you need to create lemon script named "main" and put the code below into this script. All this should look like on picture #2



// Character scripts

include charscripts/?



2. Making sprites and editing jsons

You can use aseprite, gimp or graphics gale to edit sprites. If you want to use palette save your sprites in .bmp. For example my extra slot just will be yellow Sonic on slot 164. So for this I'll take Sonic's sprites and palette from the game folder and then edit all of them (result picture #3). Then you need to rename "character_sonic" to "character_slotXX" in all jsons (XX - number of slot). Look on pictures #4 BEFORE and #5 AFTER. If you want to add compatibility for ESS rename to "EsXX" (XX - number of slot)

3. Testing and result (pictures #6-#9)

And here you go! You created your own extra slot character! I hope that I helped you. Also you can use and edit the example mod that I made for this tutorial. Good luck!
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