Musashi from Fate/Samurai Remnant steps into the world of SMT V, replacing Yoshitsune with her unmatched swordsmanship and intense presence.
This mod was commissioned by Ginguiser.
This mod features:
- Miyamoto Musashi from Fate/Samurai Revenant as Yoshitsune.
- Real Time physics for all of her!
- Her voice lines from the game (JP!!).
- Texture maps for the best visual experience.
- Portrait, name, and icon updates.
If you want a model ported to the game tell me on the comments, I might pick it if I like it. Commisison me a mod or coffee! Open.
Erm... I like some webdevving, so I maintain this simple page: It's a catalogue for my modding work but if i mod some other game, like the Persona 3R i just bought in sale, where GMs are finicky, I might post our beloved Newborn for that game just there!
To give a moral support you can like or thank this mod page!!
Known issues:
- You tell me.