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A Modding Tool for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.



Character mod installer (abandoned, needs a new dev)

FighterSort aims to be a quick and easy way to batch organize character mods for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. It is intended for users who have a very large number of mods (hundreds). It handles extra slots, can sort multiple characters at once, automatically copies missing model files from a local ArcExplorer export when needed, automatically generates configs and files needed for one-slot names, and more.

This is currently unfinished, and I will not work on it any further. I am posting it here in the hopes that someone else will continue it. Read below for more details.

How Does It Work?

Using a combination of CSharpM7's ReslotterGUI, a spreadsheet that keeps track of your mod info, and your own ArcExplorer export, FighterSort organizes all of your mods for a character, all at once, how you want them to be organized, ready to drag and drop onto your SD card. The output is in a new folder, so the original mods are unchanged. There's some initial setup, but it's well worth it if you have a lot of mods since everything after this initial setup is automated for you. For more info, see the tutorial in the repo.

What It Can Do

  • Change the slots of all your mods
  • Export specific slots from a multi-slot mod (e.g. if a mod has 8 slots but you only want 3 of them)
  • Handle extra slots above c07 (this is currently bugged; sometimes it works fine, sometimes it doesn't. You can use the -v flag when running FighterSort to only use vanilla slots and ignore extra, or -e to force everything into extra slots)
  • Fix normally-incompatible swaps (e.g. putting a female Inkling mod on a male Inkling slot) by copying the necessary model files from an ArcExplorer export
  • (Re)generate config.json for each mod
  • Issue a warning when a vanilla slot mod conflicts with an extra slot mod
  • Automatically convert all-slot effects into one-slot
  • Generate msg_name.xmsbt to add a custom name and/or Boxing Ring title for each mod
  • Edit ui_chara_db.prcxml to change each character's number of slots


At this time, there are bugs. Not necessarily "I programmed a feature wrong" bugs, more like "I don't know the finer details of how Ultimate mods should be organized so I don't know what features need to be added" bugs. Everything is automated in the same way it would be if you manually moved files/renamed everything/used ReslotterGUI yourself, with all the expected outputs, but I don't know how the mods are conflicting with each other. In other words, I don't know if there's something wrong with my program, or if mods are just incompatible in this way and it can't be fixed. I can use this program to add a handful of mods, but when I try to play with a ton of mods at once, my game softlocks, and I don't know what the source of these problems is. Every time I see an edge case that needs to be implemented and fix it, I find some other obscure issue that breaks some specific combination of mods.

Basically, I got burned out and gave up on this about half a year ago; I have no interest in working on it any further, nor do I have the free time for it. I encourage anyone who knows more about this stuff than me to fork FighterSort and continue it. I believe that if an experienced modder could use this program on a handful of mods and see what doesn't line up in testing, the (hopefully few) remaining problems could be fixed and we'd have a much more streamlined means of downloading and using character mods. I don't want my work to go to waste, so please look at the repo and see if it grabs your interest. There's a detailed readme on how to use the program, along with a beta Windows release.

My only condition for anyone who chooses to continue development of this tool is that you credit me for making the original pre-modified version, along with the creators of Reslotter and ReslotterGUI, as this would not be possible without them.
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Last update
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