Final Fantasy Tactics Complete v2 or FFTCv2 is a patch for the Final Fantasy Tactics psx game.
With only 9 months (and not 7 years without a single release), it has some modifications never seen in any other mods nor the PSP version.
Summary of changes:
- It swaps O-X buttons.
- Party roster extension up to 20 slots.
- Dynamic level cap until the end of the game.
- One additional job.
- Monster job wheel after certain event.
- New Game Plus.+
- Translated novels.+
- Some events are skippable.+
- And much more (check the README for more details).
This is the first patch -released- that has translated novels and NG+ feature fully working.
Since v2.0, this patch:
- does not contain anything from 'FFT Complete'
- all custom sprites were removed
- melonhead for all he did (a truly master hacker, not like some others).
- Archael for the best FFT patch ever created.