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Fire Emblem: Fuuin no Tsurugi

Fire Emblem: Fuuin no Tsurugi
English Translation

Game Description:

Fire Emblem: Fuuin no Tsurugi is a strategy turn based game for the GBA.

Translation Description:

The old translation patch served its purpose in translating the game well enough, but for a lot of people, the glitches and often grammatically strange script left a bad taste in their mouth. This new project attempts to repair the issues with the old patch and rewrite the dialogue to be more faithful both to the original script and officially translated material. With any luck, it's more enjoyable to read as well.
Finally, after nearly two years of hard work and the contribution of many people who wanted to see this done, the patch is in a state that is considered complete. The Link Arena is finished, but it's functional. Thank you for the support, and an extra special thanks to all the contributors listed below. Enjoy the game!
Project Thread


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