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Front Mission

Front Mission
English Translation

Game Description:

People in the scene go wild over many of the things in Japan. J-Pop. Giant Mechas. Strategy RPGs. Well, Front Mission takes two of those three things (guess which ones), and swirls them together. The combination of giant robots with huge-ass guns fighting in a turn-based strategy environment should satisfy the inner fan-boy in all of us. The graphics are beautiful, and the gameplay is excellent SRPG fare. So maybe you'll like it more than Spinner 8 did. Probably.

Translation Description:

This translation took a long time and is the fruit of many, many people's labors. Kudos to F.H. and crew for a job well done.

Although this patch expands the ROM to 32mb/4MB in the internal header, it doesn't actually expand the ROM file to match. This result is a poorly expanded ROM that may have trouble in some emulators. If your emulator has trouble running this, simply pad the ROM file out to 32mb/4MB.


RHDN Translation Image RHDN Translation Image RHDN Translation Image RHDN Translation Image
First release
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