Game Description:
"Ganbare Goemon: Ooedo Daikaiten" is a single-player action platformer with light exploration elements and first-person mech battles. It was released at the start of 2001, the same year that would later see "Goemon Shin Sedai Shuumei" ("Goemon: The Successor for a New Generation"). Both were developed by "NOW Production" around the same time the Goemon Team was working on the PS2 revival, "Boken Jidai Katsugeki" ("Mystical Ninja Goemon Zero.")
The game draws heavily from the second SFC game, both in gameplay and stage design. It has character appearances from all over the SFC and N64 games. Most notoriously, the soundtrack is lifted straight from "Goemon's Great Adventure." True to the series' humor and spirit, the story embraces the theme of recycling. Gameplay-wise, the revisited stage themes and mechanics serve as a sort of "best of" for the series.
Translation Description:
This is a complete translation. The whole script has been translated, as well as all visible text in graphics (leaving aside a few intentional exceptions.) No other changes have been made to the game. Enjoy!