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In-Game 'Mod Manager' for WWMI

In-Game 'Mod Manager' for WWMI
A Modding Tool for Wuthering Waves.



In-Game 'Mod Manager' for WWMI

Warning - This Tool Modifies Mods Ini File(s), if You decide to not use it after some time, You have to Restore the Backups it makes in the Process (RestoreInis - use the same as ModManager.py)

Currently Supports only Characters

As it has to Load all the Active Mods - F10 takes significantly longer

There might be some cases that my Script can't handle in it's Current Form (it should be mostly Reliable tho) - Please let me know if You find any

Ever wished to be able to change Mods In-Game without the need to Merge them?

If Yes - You can stop Dreaming, as it just became a Reality!!

All You have to do is Run the Script the same way as 4.X Fixes (shown in a Video), press F10 In-Game and that's it

You have to run the Script once every time You add new Mods, which ain't Ideal - but it's not that much hassle either

In-Game Controls:

Open the Menu - LCtrl + UpArrow
Next Mod - LCtrl + RightArrow
Previous Mod - LCtrl + LeftArrow
Reset (Almost never used) - LCtrl + DownArrow

The Menu shows 2 Numbers:
- Current Mod ID (assigned Dynamically on First Character Load)
- Total Amount of Active Mods for Current Character

Menu can Print up to 4 different Informations about Current Mod:
- Mod Name
- Mod Author
- Mod Description
- Mod Link

Additionaly the Menu can show Mod Logo - by Default it Globally shows my Logo

If You like my Mods, You can Support me on:


Dependencies and prerequisites required to use this Mod

  1. Python 3.8 <= (Prefferably 3.12)
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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