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King's Field

King's Field
English Translation

Game Description:

King's Field is a 3D, first person RPG similar to the Elder Scrolls series, but unlike the massive overwhelming worlds of an Elder Scrolls game, King's Field focuses on exploring and mastering a few areas. The whole King's Field series is one of those game franchises that people seem to either love or hate. Critics cite reasons such as slow character movement, hard game play- rife with ways to die, and minimal NPC interaction. Strangely, these are some of the very things that appeal to King's Field fans. Items and NPCs are few and far between, but every one of them is hard earned and of great value to your character. Most people who have become fans, played through their initial frustration and learned to savor the quest to thrive in a decidedly hostile world, cut off from all support, where you must utilize everything available to you, just to survive.

This first King's Field was unquestionably a groundbreaker for the Playstation system and even for gaming in general - using such innovations as quick travel teleportation points, easy left-right strafing, and a leveling system where the skills used the most are those that become the most powerful.

Translation Description:

There was apparently a bug in the v1.0 translation patch for King's Field Japan. When playing on a PlayStation console (as opposed to an emulator) the game would sometimes freeze on the save or load screen (when the 'OK' or 'NO' confirmation message popped up).

This patch is a temporary fix which should prevent this from happening. However, instead of 'NO', the confirm message box will now say 'KK'.

—(This patch was made by John all the way back in 2007, but is now quite difficult to find, and John appears to no longer be active. This has been uploaded here on his behalf, so that both the translation and the patch can be in one easy-to-find place.)


RHDN Translation Image
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