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Kuroe von Einzbern as Amanozako

Kuroe von Einzbern as Amanozako
A Mod for Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance.


Kuroe von Einzbern as Amanozako Kuroe von Einzbern as Amanozako Kuroe von Einzbern as Amanozako


Kuroe von Einzbern from Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya has made her mischievous entry into SMT V, replacing Amanozako. Cute and funny on the surface, Kuro is much more—devious, manipulative, and driven by a deep-seated bitterness from her past. Enhanced with dynamic features enabling real time physics on her clothing, she's here to steal the show.

I also have Illya done for replacing Amanozako, i might update this mod page or create a new one.

This mod was commissioned by VeraRex.

This mod features:

  • Kuroe von Einzbern as Amanozako.
  • Real Time physics for all of her hair and clothing.
  • Texture maps for the best visual experience.
  • Portrait, name, and icon updates.
To install the mod, you can follow this guide.

If you want a model ported to the game tell me on the comments, I might pick it if I like it. Commisison me a mod or coffee! Open.

Erm... I like some webdevving, so I maintain this simple page: mugenrei.github.io. It's a catalogue for my modding work but if i mod some other game, like the Persona 3R i just bought in sale, where GMs are finicky, I might post our beloved Newborn for that game just there!

To give a moral support you can like or thank this mod page!!

Known issues:

  • Some of her animations on the Feast Quest might be a bit borked, investigating.
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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