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Lamball (Palworld)

Lamball (Palworld)
A Mod for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.


Lamball (Palworld)Lamball (Palworld)Lamball (Palworld)Lamball (Palworld)Lamball (Palworld)Lamball (Palworld)Lamball (Palworld)Lamball (Palworld)Lamball (Palworld)Lamball (Palworld)Lamball (Palworld)Lamball (Palworld)Lamball (Palworld)Lamball (Palworld)Lamball (Palworld)Lamball (Palworld)Lamball (Palworld)Lamball (Palworld)Lamball (Palworld)

This was commissioned by VideoGomez!

Mod includes...
  • Lamball
  • Ink Maps
  • Voice Mod (Silent)
  • UI
  • Expressions + FS Eyes
A few things:

Is this WiFi safe? - The mod is WiFi safe. I tested the mod in a private arena and ran into no issues regarding desyncs.

Is the Final Smash replaced? - No.

No alts? - No alts. Commissioner didn't want alts with the commission, but you're free to make your own alts and release it. Or possibly commission the alts from me or someone else.

Where did you grab the model? - This uses Lamball's model from Palworld. This one doesn't have modelled eyes like my other Pal World mods this time. Mainly swapped out Lamball's limbs with Jigglypuff's then retextured it to fit Lamball. Also did a slight edit to the model to make the wool appear more fuzzy following Nano's tutorial.

Can I change which slot the mod goes over? - Yes! Simply rename the slot folder (c00) to the slot you wish to replace and do the same with the UI and sound.

When do you plan on releasing ______? - As of right now, I cannot give an exact date on when a mod of mine will be releasing.

Is this compatible with Ultimate Mod Manager (UMM)? - No. This will not work on UMM.

Can you mod in ________? - I don't take requests, but you can commission me. I have a page on Checkpoint.cc that you can fill out a form for a commission here. If it's not open, feel free to DM me here on GB, Twitter, or Discord about it. Generally, the price can range from $50 to $85 depending on the complexity of the commission. As of right now, there's a long queue that I'm currently in the middle of chipping away at so it may take a while before I can get to you.

First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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