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Legend of Cao Cao

Legend of Cao Cao
English Translation

Game Description:

Legend of Cao Cao is a turn based strategy game for the PC.

Translation Description:

This is a complete translation of Koei's Romance of the Three Kingdoms spin off Strategy RPG: The Legend of Cao Cao. This is the third and final game in the Legends series that only came out in Asia.

You play as Cao Cao style Mengde, during the collapse of the Han Dynasty. You must quell rebellions and conquerer rival kingdoms in order to unite all of China. Whether you decide to usurp the throne, or support the Han is all up to you.

The gameplay is very similar to Fire Emblem. It even contains a few permanent deaths (but also avoidable) for 4 characters if they're killed in certain scenarios. There are many interesting features, too. The story lines that branch off depending on your choices. Like I said before, you can either support the Han or be the as an usurper. As you go halfway through the game, the story can change drastically depending on your actions before. I must say, the plot twist in the "good" route is quite hilarious.

There are secrets galore, multiple paths, different allies, plenty of spells to learn, and even story based cinematic duels that take place throughout the game (Cao Cao vs. Diao Chan). It's a very long game with plenty of replay value. If you're a fan of Fire Emblem, or just love Strategy RPGs, I highly recommend you give this game a try. Of course… getting your hands on the game is another matter.

The translation is now complete, however there are 2 known bugs which Lady Wu is unable to fix:
  • The names of the officers in the "Deployment" screen are garbled, as some of the officers' names are too long to display properly. You can still find out who's who by moving the cursor over the candidate and looking at their info in the panel on the right. Currently no possible fix for this is known.
  • When you hover your mouse over a sprite in battle, a box with information about that character will show up. Some names are too long and run into the unit class name.

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