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Medusa from Fate Grand Order

Medusa from Fate Grand Order
A Mod for Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance.


Medusa from Fate Grand Order Medusa from Fate Grand Order Medusa from Fate Grand Order Medusa from Fate Grand Order

Medusa from Fate Grand Order has mysteriously fallen into the world of SMT V, replacing Cybele. Enhanced with a new skeleton for dynamic breasts and hair physics, and texture maps to make her look the best.

This mod was commissioned by HonorableSpartan.

This mod features:

  • Medusa replacing Cybele
  • Portrait, name, and icon updates
  • Enhanced skeleton with breasts and hair physics
  • Texture maps for the best visual experience
To install the mod, you can follow this guide.

If you want a model ported to the game tell me on the comments, If i like it i can check it out, who knows! I'll definitely mention you if i do it! Commission a mod or donate me a coffee! Open.

Erm... have a small page where i mirror all my mods, so keep an eye there if any disappear from here: mugenrei.github.io.

To give a moral support you can like or thank this mod page!!

Known issues:

  • If you use any mod that alters Name, Lore, Skill Name or demon Icon:
The files where these items are located are "common files", meaning they are shared between all demons, so any mod that changes these items are changing the same files, the problem is that the mod that is loading last will replace the common files loading first.
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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