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Mobius Evolution

Mobius Evolution
Hack of Sonic the Hedgehog

Mobius Evolution is a heavy modification of Sonic The Hedgehog for the SEGA Mega Drive created by Abyssal Leopard with the help of fellow members. The aim of this hack was initially to be a simple level layout hack, but it eventually acquired new features, such as innovative gimmicks, boss battles and other things the player might discover in gameplay.

This is a special version that includes two more names to the credits screen under "Beta Testing" as rightfully deserved and has a typo fix on the first screen "Successfly" is fixed to "Successfully". The names "Adrian Gauna" and "Karate Cat KCEXE" have been added to the credits list as me and Karate Cat were brought on board as pre-final bug play testers and were promised credit in the game and then the final 3.6 on Sonic Retro came out and our names were not included? Abyssal Leopard is not to blame for this as he did not know at the time. A secondary programmer on the team by the name of "HCKTROX" personally asked us to help test the game out before release and said that we would be credited and then we weren't simple as that. I even discovered a bug at the end of Special Stage 4 that I reported to HCKTROX to get fixed. At the time of hack development in 2015, and the rise of EverDrive flash carts on the market, there was a heavy campaign by the team to get it working on real hardware and I can only assume like most big dev teams on Sonic hacks, a difference of opinion and internal bickering took place and as such HCKTROX did not want team leader Abyssal Leopard to know that more recruitments were brought on board to test play the pre-final build. So our names are put back in by me personally.


It was a hot summer. Sonic was in Mobius enjoying his vacations after a long time of peace, and so was Blaze. Everything seemed to go flawlessly, until… They began to watch how everything was being destroyed. Of course, Sonic and Blaze found who would do this obvious, Dr. Eggman, the fat scientist who Sonic beat a million times, and who Blaze also knows very well. Once again, the dictator used plenty of innocent creatures to create his robots to impede any kind of opposition in his plans to conquer the whole world. Now it's up to you to save those poor animals!


The player will have a choice of playing between two characters – our beloved blue hedgehog, Sonic, or the serious and determined Blaze The Cat.


  • New level layouts which stand out for their length.
  • A brand new soundtrack based on ports from different video game music.
  • Simple level art modifications.
  • Something you can achieve by getting 50 rings and double-jumping, having achieved all six emeralds in the whole game.
  • Reasonably advanced technical modifications
  • Lots of things that won't be mentioned for the player to discover by himself/herself. If we spoiled the whole thing, the fun would be ruined!


  • Golden Nature: Explore the beauty of the environment and enjoy the high speed and the enormous loop-de-loops.
  • Uncharted Tide: An unexplored aquatic temple where the player will have to be extra careful with the amazing amount of traps the dictator has planned and set up to get you.
  • Creepy Crypt: A dead land in the depths of darkness – you will most likely dread those ghosts!
  • Neon Star: A vivid and colourful city where you get nothing but lots of fun. Oh, and stars, of course.
  • Mad Parkland: This playful place is NUTS! Get crazy bouncing on bumpers and using pinball flippers.
  • Egg Hell: The name of the zone is self-explanatory. Infilter yourself into Dr. Robotnik's inferno, where you will either be shocked to death or burn your arse.
  • Final Zone: Do I even have to explain this one?

The CheckSum is fixed by me, so after downloading and patching, YOU as the downloader won't have to do any fishing around looking for apps that fix it and do it yourself.

This game, for some odd reason omits the level select cheat on the title screen so you have to play from start to finish if you wanna see the ending.

Because of no level select cheat, I was unable to screenshot the credits list changes.

The game is optimised for PAL 50Hz playback.

Downloading this game from Sonic Retro or anywhere else for that matter will omit our names, to many of you this means nothing as the gameplay is what's important deep down and I agree with that, but when you bug test a game for days and days on end and even record a few to the team, you want to be credited for it which is the reason for this patch.

Lastly: The youtube video down below uploaded by myself features an earlier build that only features my name on the credits added as it was before I discovered that I was not the only one who was not credited. KCEXE commented on that video explaining that he was left out as well which is the reason for this final correction build.


Filename: Sonic The Hedgehog (UE).md
CRC-32: d365f487
SHA-1: 1aa32fb992cae870d2c09b5964c9eba43e0bb8d5

Lead Programmer: Abyssal Leopard
Music: DynamiteSlash / Eduardo Knuckles / Mr. Moonshining, Cinossu (Final Boss theme)
Beta Testing (Level Layouts): Aurora Fields / Natsumi / Green Snake, Ralakimus, NeoFusionBox, AsuharaMoon, Dan
Beta Testing (Real Hardware): Ralakimus, JoenickROS, Adrian Gauna, Karate Cat (KCEXE)
Artistic Assistance: AsuharaMoon, GalliumGrant (for Uncharted Tide 3's boss graphics)
Programming Assistance: HCKTROX, HPZMan
Special Stage Layout Testing: Professor Neo
Special Thanks: Bareirito, NewSonic, KingofHarts, The Ducks, and so many others

v3.7 Final Correction Edits:
Adrian Gauna: Typo fix, added names ''Adrian Gauna'' and ''Karate Cat KCEXE'' to the credits list and recorded a crash to be fixed when exiting Special Stage 4 on the very last frame which got fixed by the team in the initial v3.6 final.

YouTube Video:

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