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Mystic Quest Reborn

Mystic Quest Reborn
Hack of Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest


As many of you know Final Fantasy Mystic Quest gets a bad rap from people that either it is too easy or it is for children. Well of course both of those are wrong. The game wasn't super easy like some people claim, but it wasn't at all difficult either. And come on it isn't for children, it has a good story and keeps you entertained throughout the entire game. I've made the game more challenging as well as added some additional stuff to spice it up a bit.
What's changed:
  • Imported some new music from Final Fantasy V and Seiken Densetsu 2 (Secret of Mana).
  • Overhauled the entire game's treasure contents and changed some locations of some of them as well.
  • Brown treasure chests that give consumable items now have a quantity of 4x instead of 3x.
  • Brown treasure chests that give consumable weapons give 8x instead of 10x.
  • "Super" chests at the end of the game give 10x items instead of 25x.
  • Semi-overhauled the characters to better balance from being a useless tool to being useful. No longer does Benjamin feel like he's the spare until he gets the Holy or Flare Magic. Now Benjamin is the powerhouse and the support allies are exactly that–a support ally.
  • Altered some of your allies' starting magic to provide more challenge. Phoebe no longer has the Holy spell at the end of the game.
  • Altered the White magic spells to not be able to be casted on monsters to prevent abuse. With exception of Exit, but with Exit you get no EXP from that monster you warp away with Exit. This means you can no longer cast Cure on the Dark King to kill him quickly!
  • Tweaked most of the equipment in the game to have various levels of usability.
  • Monsters have been overhauled, every monster has been changed and beefed up.
  • Monster attacks have been beefed up, especially later in the game.
  • The Battlefields have all had their contents changed and each Battlefield has it's own # to defeat to earn the reward.
  • Some minor graphic tweaks have been made–and I mean minor!
Note: There was a bug fixed so if you've downloaded this already you need to re-download it and apply the patch over your existing ROM.


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