This hack was created to be easier to create different teams, update mechanics and test some new features to improve the original experience in Hoenn.
- 386 catchable pokémons
- Trade evolutions changed to stone evolution
- Fairy Type
- Physical, Special and Status split
- Moves and abilities updated to gen 7
- New items
- Black/White repel system
- The game asks to plant and water berry after harvesting a berry
- Exp. share gives XP to your team
- Double wild battles
- Some shiny, pokerus and IV perfect pokemons in the game.
- In-game events, changing Altering Cave and Mirage Island used for legendary pokémons
- Reusable and changed TMs
- IV/EV viewer and Pokerus Viewer
- Some leaders will inflict status ailments in your team
- Some graphics improved and bugs fixed
- A special flower near Victory Road entrance
- And much more.