Game Description:
This is the PlayStation revision of Hideo Kojima's legendary Sci-Fi adventure game, Policenauts. This release introduces many subtle graphical and load time improvements from the initial console release on 3DO
The story of the game centers around former "Policenaut" (police astronaut) Jonathan Ingram, who is hired by his ex-wife to investigate a missing person's case on the Beyond Cost space colony. The game plays similar to Hideo Kojima's previous adventure game, Snatcher. This entails investigating the environment, navigating dialogue branches and shooting sequences.
Translation Description:
This is Hideo Kojima's follow-up to Snatcher, and his most sought-after Japanese exclusive game.
The patch contains a complete, 100% English, translation of all Japanese text and graphics. There is not one character of Japanese left in the game - including opening and ending credits.
Aside from the translation, the patch also fixes graphical glitches and crashing that was in the original game.