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Rainbow Mr. Game & Watch

Rainbow Mr. Game & Watch
A Mod for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.



Chef Lion (F-tilt) Neutral Air Fire (Up Special) Back Air Final Smash ui more ui

Woah! Pretty colors...

Here's a simple, yet effective mod i've been cooking up. Rainbow Mr. Game & Watch! This mod uses animated materials to make an awesome color-cycling effect!

Some of Mr. Game & Watch's models don't work with material animations from what I tested, so in cases like the Octopus model, I gave him a cool Rainbow Texture effect! I did have to make some model edits here and there (UV edits specifically), so technically speaking this is not a recolor mod. This costume goes over c04 (that weird tealish color), but can easily be moved to any slot with simple file renaming!

On an unrelated note, depending on how you look at it, you can also count this as a Pride Month mod! And to all of those people out there, no matter your sexuality or gender, you're awesome, and you should be proud of who you are! You may have gone through some rough times, but you're still standing proud! And there are people out there who want to be just as awesome and resilient as you are! Happy Pride Month! and I hope you enjoy this mod!
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