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Scizor. (Pokemon) [0.9.5(not demo)/CMC+v8]

Scizor. (Pokemon) [0.9.5(not demo)/CMC+v8]
A Mod for Super Smash Bros. Crusade.


Swords dance boosted Bullet punch Swords dance boosted U-turn Down smash Mega Scizor Victory Pose


Well it has been a while, hasn't it?
Scizor joins the crusade.
First made out of spite, now made out of love.
I hope you like my first ever made character!

Scizor is an extremely slow superheavy that can get extremely fast with its specials and cleave stocks with its quick combos.

Neutral Special: Reversal
Reversal is a slow straight punch with high shield damage.
But as you take more damage, it becomes stronger and gains super armor. If your percentage goes above 150%, it can 2-hit KO most characters. Generally, it is used as a cheesy killing option above 100%.

Side Special: Bullet Punch
Bullet Punch is.. basically the best burst option you have.
It may seem like a simple dashing punch, it's so much more. While it has significant cooldown if you miss, but its incredible speed and priority make it the best tool to intercept your opponent's attack. You can also angle your dash, and best of all, you are fully intangible during the dash.
The cooldown is visible on your hud.

Up Special: U-Turn
U-Turn is a versatile recovery option that can also be used as a powerful offstage kill option.
If you hit the opponent with the first dash, you'll attatch yourself above them and dash again. The second dash will send your opponent in the opposite direction, making it a potent spike if you angle the dash upwards.

Down Special: Swords Dance
Swords Dance is an install that, when fully charged, can buff other specials significantly.
When activated, the gauge on the Hud will flash and floating swords will appear around Scizor. The gauge will only fill up when you hit the opponent.
When fully charged, it will make a big "pling!" sound and the gauge will tick down. During this, you can use other specials to inflict insane damage and secure quick kills.
If you hit the empowered special attack or let the gauge tick down to zero, Scizor will
overheat and won't be able to use swords dance for a while.
Again, the cooldown is visible on your hud.

currently does not work 9.5 demo.
First release
Last update
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