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Secret of Mana: Relocalized

Secret of Mana: Relocalized
Hack of Secret of Mana


Disclaimer: This hack is an offshoot of FuSoYa's VWF Edition hack. The bulk of the script changes were created by FuSoYa's Niche. I am not the original author of the script changes or the VWF hack. You can find out more about Secret of Mana VWF Edition here: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/18/
About Relocalized:
Secret of Mana - Relocalized focuses on updating, uncensoring, and "relocalizing" gameplay, graphical, and text (both script and non-script) elements of Secret of Mana
  • Death Machine: AKA Kettle Kin gets restored to its full uncensored chainsaw wielding glory. Not only is this a graphical hack, it also rewrites the its AI to perform just as it did in the original Japanese release.
  • Teleportation Circles: When Square released this game in 1993 Nintendo of America had strict policies against religious imagery appearing in its titles. The six-pointed stars in the teleportation circles were reduced to triangles. This hack restores them to their original appearance.
  • Title Screen Background: When Square ported this game over to English, they butchered the original background image. Because of some graphical problems they cropped the image of the full Mana Tree at its roots and expanded it. The result is a blurry pixelated mess. Relocalized restores the original image.
  • Opening Text Crawl: Relocalized updates the opening text crawl to that of the superior HD version.
  • Mixed Case Character Names: This features adds lowercase letters to the character naming screen.
  • Relocalization: The titular feature. This hack takes the game's outdated, awkward, and inaccurate text and script elements and localizes them differently. Just like with FuSoYa's hack before it, Relocalized holds true to the style of beloved 90's Squaresoft translator, Ted Woolsey.
ROM / ISO Information:

  • No-Intro Name: Secret of Mana (USA)
  • (No-Intro version 20130701-030720)
  • ROM/File SHA-1: 8133041A363E3CC68CEDEF40B49B6D20D03C505D

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