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Slugcat (Rain World)

Slugcat (Rain World)
A Mod for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.



Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)Slugcat (Rain World)

Huge credits to Teevz for making this model and giving me the ok to release this! The model can be found on Gumroad here: Link (Paid Model, Free-to-use on VRChat)

Mod includes...
  • Slugcats + 7 alts
    c00: Survivor
    c01: Hunter
    c02: Monk
    c03: Artificer
    c04: Gourmand
    c05: Rivulet
    c06: Spearmaster
    c07: Saint
  • Ink Maps
  • Voice Mod (Silent)
  • UI
  • Moving Eyes (Rivulet Alt Only)
  • Expressions + FS Eyes
A few things:

Is this WiFi safe? - The mod is WiFi safe. No hitboxes or hurtboxes were modified in any way.

Is the Final Smash replaced? - No.

What are the motion files for? - The motion files were made by me to give Pikachu eye movement for a handful of animations since they don't normally have moving eyes (Rivulet Alt Only). The reason why these aren't just on the Rivulet alt is due to me adding an extra expression mesh for the tail. TLDR: Made to avoid weird deformations with the tail. (Same files from my Chillet mod.)

Can I change which slot each alt goes over? - Yes! Simply rename the folder to the alt you wish to replace and do the same with the UI and sound.

When do you plan on releasing ______? - As of right now, I cannot give an exact date on when a mod of mine will be releasing.

Is this compatible with Ultimate Mod Manager (UMM)? - No. This will not work on UMM.

Can you mod in ________? - I don't take requests, but you can commission me. I have a page on Checkpoint.cc that you can fill out a form for a commission here. If it's not open, feel free to DM me here on GB, Twitter, or Discord about it. Generally, the price can range from $50 to $85 depending on the complexity of the commission. As of right now, there's a long queue that I'm currently in the middle of chipping away at so it may take a while before I can get to you.

First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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