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Sonic 1 Pixel Perfect Ultimate

Sonic 1 Pixel Perfect Ultimate
Hack of Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic 1 Pixel Perfect was originally a ROM hack demo of Sonic The Hedgehog for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis originally created by JcFerggy and NovaWizard for the 2008 hacking contest. The build featured new extended layouts and art, custom loops and tubes, dynamic palettes for the acts, and a complete new Green Hill Zone layout (with edited boss) as of the first beta release. This was followed by another brief demo build that year in 2008 and then development came to a permanent stop.

In 2013 another ROM hacker by the name of JK.Fox took the two previous ROM demo builds and decided to finish them up once and for all as a fully playable Sonic game from start to finish by adding in his own art, colour palette changes, music ports and cleaning up the ROM by eliminating bugs. I have been told by another popular ROM hacker D.A. Garden who is an expert on level layouts that this hack uses stolen level layouts by him without permission. Because of this, D.A. Garden is now credited down below.

All I did (Adrian Gauna) was fix the title of the game in the ROM header as it displayed a strange url in it's place and I fixed the CheckSum for you all so you don't have to do it yourself.

This hack also has the spindash added.

When you start playing this it will dazzle you in colour and level layout and the first 2 zones even have 4 acts instead of the usual 3, but after zone 3 it starts looking more and more like vanilla Sonic 1 with less art and colour palette changes. This kind of thing is normal as a lot of hackers usually concentrate on the beginning of the game and get bored quickly later on towards the end.

I'm uploading this because I think it is among one of the most beautiful Sonic 1 hacks out there and it was never archived on any of the major database sites like SSRG and Sonic Retro. It was only released through a simple file sharing link through youtube. Because this finished version remained under the radar in the community with not much exposure over the years, the reproduction carts you can find all over the net of Sonic 1 Pixel Perfect are always of the unfinished 2008 demo where the game isn't playable beyond the first zone "Angel Lake Zone". I know, i've got one and it's very disappointing.


Same as in every Sonic game, Sonic has to save his friends from the evil Dr.Robotnik and dash through 6 zones dodging crazed robots, collecting rings and making it to the end, simple story that we've heard a thousand times now.


1. Angel Lake Zone: Without a doubt, it's the zone that pulls you in for a greater look as it has a gorgeous colour palette that changes with each act getting darker towards night time creating that day to night thing with each act. Lots of rings and item boxes to grab here as well as you explore this beautiful hill side.

2. Pyramidal Zone: Continuing on with the gorgeous art work here, Sonic reaches an underground ruin located beneath a desert. Lots of spikes and Caterkillers to avoid here and many lava pits you need to jump over.

3. Spring Yard Zone: It starts getting a bit cheap with the level names here just using the original zone's name. The good part is that this zone continues further on with more of that beautiful JK.Fox artwork mixing some artwork from Ristar. This zone goes overboard with all the buzz bombers and crabmeat badniks and there are generally two different paths you can take in each act, either a high route or a low route.

4. Speed Fans Zone: Basically Star Light Zone with different colours and level layouts but with more fans.

5. Maze Zone: Sonic reaches an underwater tunnel system with a few different paths keeping it interesting. The artwork is nice and different here.

6. Scrap Brain Zone: Really, no originality in name here? But at least the artwork is different and nice to look at yet again. Some of the graphics here are taken from Sonic CD, other than that, it's basically vanilla Scrap Brain Zone with the same fire and electrical traps to avoid. Interesting thing to note here is that there is no water level as act 3, it instead goes straight into the Final Zone battle with Eggman.

Special Stages remain unchanged from Sonic 1 and you again have to finish each act with 50 or more rings and jump in the big ring to reach them.

This game has no level select cheat so you have to play from start to finish if you wanna see the ending.

Filename: Sonic The Hedgehog (UE).md
CRC-32: d365f487
SHA-1: 1aa32fb992cae870d2c09b5964c9eba43e0bb8d5

JcFerggy, NovaWizard, Puto, PsychoSk8r: For original 2008 demo credits.
JK.Fox: New art, colours, porting different music tracks and for finishing up the hack so it could finally be completed.
D.A. Garden: Level layouts
Adrian Gauna: Fixed ROM header title and CheckSum

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