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Sonic Rangers HUD (with working boost bar gauge)

Sonic Rangers HUD (with working boost bar gauge)
A Mod for Sonic Frontiers.


Icon Gauge and speedometer yummy lake more yummy lake oooo nice lighting speeeed

Fake Frontiers leaks be like:

Here it finally is, a sonic rangers inspired UI of what we could have expected before the game's release, it has a working boost gauge line, and also has another hud that tells the items you posess, ring count, keys etc... this does NOT work in cyberspace yet due to the code not being updated (it will in the future)

WARNING : Hud will dissappear after a cutscene or entering photo mode, this can be fixed by loading your actual save or dying (this will be fixed in the future as well) also, to see your gauge you simply need to boost and will stay there.

This took very long to make, so enjoy!!

Edit: The "fuel" text on the gauge will show off as boost in the actual game, it was like that due to me using other mod xddd, I FORGOT ABOUT THE UPGRADES. i will update it soon SORRY LOL for now check "disable upgrades" on the graphics tab on the pause menu
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