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Sonic the Hedgehog 2 XL

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 XL
Hack of Sonic the Hedgehog 2


Sonic the Hedgehog 2 XL is a joke hack which adds a new gameplay gimmick. The standard rings the player normally collect have been replaced by onion rings. The more onion rings the player collects the fatter he gets. As he gets fatter he gets slower, jumps shorter, and becomes unable to roll. If the player eats too many onion rings the player will die. The player can burn off the fat by running or by breaking the ? monitors found throughout the levels.
Facts about the hack
  • It takes about 5 rings to to go up a level in fatness.
  • Spin dashing and normal spinning is lost at fat level 5.
  • It takes about 30 rings to die of fatness.
  • The fatter the player gets the less the player is able to look up and down, and gives up at level 6.
  • If using debug mode to finish Death Egg Zone as while fat the player goes down to fat level 3.
  • If breaking a "?" box, Sonic will lose weight instantly.
The patch is in xdelta format due to shifted data resulting in IPS patches containing original code. The ROM should be in BIN format.

ROM / ISO Information:

  • No-Intro Name: Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (World) (Rev A)
  • (No-Intro version 20130710-102701)
  • ROM/File SHA-1: 8BCA5DCEF1AF3E00098666FD892DC1C2A76333F9

RHDN Hack Image
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