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SrBehemoth Fix

SrBehemoth Fix
Hack of Final Fantasy III


A quote from Master ZED's Final Fantasy 3us/6j Glitches & Bugs guide describing the problem this fix corrects:
"SrBehemoth rips you off -

Both the living SrBehemoth and the undead SrBehemoth give up Behemothsuits as win items. While that sounds good, most veterans will recall that the prize for the duel SrBehemoths battle in the Cave in the Veldt is actually one BehemothSuit and one ThunderBlade, or in very rare cases, perhaps a Jewel Ring instead of the blade. The monster stats guide and the ROM itself both claim the former about both monsters giving up BehemothSuits, so now the question is why so many people claim the latter is true. That, unfortunately, is because it is true, due to a bug that occurs as a result of the formation switch that brings in the undead SrBehemoth. The two monsters are not only in separate formations, but also in separate slots; the living monster in slot 1, undead in slot 2. What was supposed to happen was that by not having the monsters in the same spot, the win data from the living SrBehemoth would be carried over to the new formation containing the undead version, resulting in your getting 2 BehemothSuits. What happens instead is that when the battle ends and the game goes to check for win items, it reads the first formation slot for the monster number needed to retrieve win item data, and gets FFFFh, the number that says there's no monster in the slot. Since the game did save the data that says you defeated the monster in the first slot, it will try to retrieve the win data anyway, and ends up going to offset 1031FE, where the common win item is listed as a ThunderBlade and the rare item a Jewel Ring in FF3us. Keep in mind that in FF6j and the PS versions, these are not the same."

This fix simply adds a non-present living SrBehemoth to the first slot of the undead SrBehemoth formation. When the game determines what item to give you for the first slot it will read its data and give you the correct item (The second BehemothSuit) instead of the incorrect items you would normally get.

The fix works with all three SNES versions of the game but will not work with hacks that modify the monster attack scripts. A beginner-friendly walkthrough is included in the readme for recreating the fix for any hacks that need it.

ROM / ISO Information:

  • Final Fantasy III (USA).sfc - NOINTRO
  • CRC32: A27F1C7A
  • MD5: E986575B98300F721CE27C180264D890
  • SHA-1: 4F37E4274AC3B2EA1BEDB08AA149D8FC5BB676E7
  • SHA-256: 0F51B4FCA41B7FD509E4B8F9D543151F68EFA5E97B08493E4B2A0C06F5D8D5E2

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