An outfit for Chixia borrowed from strinova- I made this skin for chixia even though I don't play her at all because she appears so often in the story. She really needed a new hairstyle asap hahaha
Features a new bartender themed outfit, and a new hairstyle. Included is an Extras folder for more hair colors, just copy and paste into the mod folder and confirm when it asks you to replace files!
给马小芳做了套皮肤。 虽然在游戏里我没用过她,但她经常出现在剧情里。。。这发型也实在受不了了所以就干脆直接换了哈哈哈
改了穿搭和发行, 有一个extras文件夹,里面有不同的发色可选择!