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subtle lumine improvements

subtle lumine improvements
A Mod for Genshin Impact.



more before + afters subtle lumine improvements subtle lumine improvements vanilla vs adjusted skintone variant

relieving my own annoyance

lumine's original model is quite outdated and some of it's design conventions don't line up with more recent genshin characters, so i made some subtle changes to lumine's textures and model to make her fit in slightly more with 4.8 designs.

list of changes made in this mod :

  • model changes : flower now has more polygons for smoothness, small adjustment made to the large feather on her head to look smoother.
  • shading changes : soft shading was added in multiple areas such as lumine's breasts, back, and skirt
  • other changes (big) : her skirt now has small "wings" for fun, small "stars" have been added to the tendrils connected to lumine's scarf.
  • other changes (small) : blue lines on the back of the skirt have been given a gradient towards the corset, blue shapes at the bottom of her skirt have been edited according to my personal tastes, the wings on her boots have been further defined, thinned her bra-straps which previously looked odd to me.
a .blend file is included for any desired model changes.
First release
Last update
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