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The Legend of Zelda: 18 Hours Past

The Legend of Zelda: 18 Hours Past
Hack of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past


- Description -
The Legend of Zelda: 18 Hours Past is a Zelda III romhack that was finished while under an 18 hour time limit as a challenge between Letterbomb, Zarby89, Jared_Brian_, and Scawful. Because of the very limited amount of time to make the hack, it's built as a perfect short and sweet hack to play for a couple of hours or so. As of v1.10 and v1.12, the hack includes some rare features like Overworld and Dungeon Maps, Cutscenes, Custom Menus, and a ton of Quality of Life features. For those who want to experience the hack in its most polished form, it's recommended to play v1.12. But, if you're looking to play the version that was made in 18 hours, you can play v1.00 to see what the original was like.

- Story -
The story takes place in the beautiful lands of Hylia, created by the Deities of Hylia; Saria, Darunia, and Ruto. After Hylia's inception, two relics known as the Master Sword and the Tetraforce were left behind. The Tetraforce was an extraordinary treasure which was capable of granting any wish possible. As the world's population grew, this power became property of the Royal Family, where it was kept away from the rest of the world. Because of the unfathomable power the Tetraforce was rumored to have, many desired for this power. And soon, an evil being named Ganon emerged from an alternate world to grab the power of the Tetraforce himself.

In his attack, he shattered a part of the Tetraforce and it was downgraded to what we know now as the Triforce. The shards of the shattered Tetraforce also became the Pendant of Courage, Power and Wisdom, which were taken into hiding along with the Triforce by the Royal Family. Not long after that, Ganon reigned over the Royal Family and continued pursuing his search for the Triforce. As everything was becoming much more hopeless during Ganon's reign, a Chosen Hero equipped with the legendary Master Sword and the Triforce emerged from the darkness to put an end to his ruling.

The Hero was successful in defeating Ganon, and he was soon sealed away by the King's trusted Mages. Following Ganon's sealage, Hylia returned to the peaceful lands it once was. Soon after, the Chosen Hero mysteriously disappeared and let the Master Sword sleep in the Deep Woods. From there, all was looking well for the future of Hylia. But one day, Ganon escaped his seal because of a Rogue Mage who originally helped in sealing him. Ganon plotted his revenge ever since he was defeated, so when he was removed from his seal he put his plan into action. He first took over the Royal Family's Soldiers, which caused havoc around the lands of Hylia, that were formerly protected by them.

As this is all happening, Zelda who is the daughter of the Royal Family and a friend are in the Forest Catacombs. Sensing that there was something wrong with the world of Hylia, they prayed to the Deities of Hylia. During their prayers, the Soldiers attacked and kidnapped Zelda and her friend and put Zelda into the Forest Catacomb's Prison. Without any way to escape, she calls to her childhood friend Link, who is sleeping during this stormy and chaotic night. Hearing her calls, Link wakes up and the story begins…

- Items for 100% Completion -
10 Heart Containers, Master Sword (L2 Sword), Fire Shield (L2 Shield), White Mail (L2 Mail), Bow of Light, Boomerang, Bombs, Magic Powder, Lamp, Hammer, Bug Catching Net, Bottle, Pegasus Boots, Power Glove, Diver's Flippers, Pendant of Courage, Pendant of Wisdom, and Pendant of Power.

- 2023: 18 Hour Hack Challenge Entries -
The Legend of Zelda: 18 Hours Past By Letterbomb
Legend of Zelda: Hidden Trove By Zarby89
The Legend of Zelda: The Shadow's Fall By Jared_Brian_
Zelda: Meadow of Shadows By Scawful
Zelda: Interconnected Strongholds By Letterbomb
- Version History -
  • Version 1.00 - April 21st, 2023
  • Version 1.10 - May 17th, 2024
  • Version 1.11 - May 27th, 2024
  • Version 1.12 - June 2nd, 2024
ROM / ISO Information:

  • Name: Legend of Zelda, The - A Link to the Past (U) [!]
  • Size: 1,048,576 bytes
  • Checksum: CRC32 777AAC2F

RHDN Hack Image RHDN Hack Image RHDN Hack Image RHDN Hack Image


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