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WWMI (Wuthering Waves Model Importer)

WWMI (Wuthering Waves Model Importer)
A Modding Tool for Wuthering Waves.


WWMI (Wuthering Waves Model Importer) WWMI (Wuthering Waves Model Importer)

Warning! WWMI Alpha-1 is intended to be used by experienced modders and advanced users.

WWMI is a work of passion coded mostly single-handedly that took over 2 months of sifting trough byte buffers and shader assembley code as well as tens of thousands of code lines written in multiple languages to make it happen. It is incredibly complex project pushing the very limits of what's possible to do with 3dmigoto. While it's already fully functional, it'll take quite a while until it take its final shape.

For more details about mod developement refer to WWMI Tools and its Modder Guide. But keep in mind that current documentation is very limited and targets advanced audience.

Key Features

  • Highly Optimized — Built with minimization of performance footprint in mind
  • Cross-Platform — Works with NVidia and AMD GPUs, should work with Intel (not tested)
  • Modder Friendly — Enables fully automatic model re-import with WWMI Tools
  • No Vertex Limit — Removes all limitations caused by component layout of original models
  • Shape Keys Support — Handles original shape keys and enables creation of custom ones
  • Bone Merging — Dynamically merges skeleton data to allow modders work with unified VG list


  • This is first public alpha release, so you can expect all kinds of issues. Also, please keep in mind that WWMI feature set and formats are not set in stone and may be subject to change.
  • WWMI uses 3dmigoto settings that may require existing mods to update texture hashes to work correctly. It also uses performance-friendly approach to trigger texture overrides, so some existing texture mods just won't work with it, and others may force WWMI to do excessive calcs degrading performance. Please be patient and wait for said mods to update.

WWMI Installation

  1. Install Python (it's widely used for different modding tools)
  2. Disable Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling to force WuWa load in DX11 mode (loader doesn't work with DX12)
    1. Go to Graphics Settings of your Windows
    2. Set Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling to OFF
    3. Restart your PC
  3. Change Character LOD Settings in Engine.ini:
    1. Open Engine.ini located in following folder:
      \Wuthering Waves\Wuthering Waves Game\Client\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\
    2. Add following lines to the bottom of the file:
  4. Extract WWMI archive to any convenient location
  5. Open d3dx.ini in WWMI folder with text editor of your choise
  6. Locate [Loader] section in the top of the file
  7. Change launch = according to location of your Wuthering Waves folder, for example:
    launch = C:\Games\WutheringWavesj3oFh\Wuthering Waves Game\Client\Binaries\Win64\Client-Win64-Shipping.exe
  8. Double-click WWMI Loader.exe to start the game with WWMI

Mod Installation

  1. Extract mod's archive
  2. Put extracted folder into the Mods folder

Mod Hot Load

To properly load newly installed mod without restarting the game:
  1. Install mod
  2. Hide modded character from screen (switch to another)
  3. Press [F10] to reload WWMI

Mod User Hotkeys

[F1]: Toggle User Guide
[F6]: Toggle WWMI dependant mods
[F10]: Reload WWMI and Save settings of all mods

Mod Developer Hotkeys

[F9]: Disable WWMI while held
[Ctrl]+[F9]: Toggle Perfomance Monitor
[Ctrl]+[F1]: Toggle Hunting Mode Guide
Numpad [0]: Toggle Hunting Mode (green text)

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