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sonic frontiers

  1. admin

    Gaia Temple 2024-09-05

    Port of Gaia Temple from Sonic Unleashed made using Frontiers Level Creator. Stage model taken from The Models Resource. Replaces 1-1
  2. admin

    Running On Water 2024-09-02

    ITS HERE Allows you to run on water like previous boost games by air boosting into or under the water. Bugs: - You fly when running off of a ledge of water such as the waterfall in rhea island.
  3. admin

    Original Cyberspace Themes 2024-07-16

    Return to the digital dimension A project that fixes one of the greatest critiques of Sonic Frontiers... Three brand new level locales have finally arrived to Cyberspace! CRASHES ARE NORMAL, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU SAVE YOUR PROGRESS FREQUENTLY Enter the dimension where the memories of Sonic...