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Homebrew PS1 Net Yaroze Game 'Insta Death' Gets Ported To NUON


We haven't seen a homebrew game for the NUON system for ten years, but now the wait is over – the failed DVD / games console hybrid is getting another bedroom-coded release (thanks, V-SNES).

Noel Rojas Oliveras' PS1 Net Yaroze title Insta Death has been ported to NUON with the help of ScarPixel / DragonShadow Industries 'Yaroze Wrapper' tool, which was created in the mid-2000s.

Homebrew coder gwald has used the tool to port Insta Death, fixing bugs along the way and adding in analog control, high scores, an attract mode and a button combo to exit the game.

You can download it free of charge here.


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