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Overclock your Xbox One

This was first posted in @dominater01 's discord and was discovered by Title OS

Enabling a basic overclock on your Xbox One
This was discovered by Title OS:
1) Download hwinit.overclock.gpucpu.cfg
2) Rename it to hwinit.cfg
3) put it on a usb drive under a folder named $SystemUpdate
4) plug the usb into your xbox
5) reboot

If you hear your xbox beep twice on boot up that means its working

hwinit.overclock.gpucpu.cfg : https://anonfiles.com/57J60cDdo2/hwinit.overclock.gpucpu_cfg

More info:
The file enables an overclocked mode controlled by a byte at 0x8 and can have a value between 0x01 - 0x58. File Magic: 0x1-0x58 - 4E,49,57,48,02.Unknown FF range.
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Chad Waliser
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