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Help: Variables > Page-related

Replaces the title of the current page with the provided argument.
Appends the provided argument to the end of the title, as a subtitle.
Neither of these affect the page's URL.
Returns the numeric route ID of content with the title specified by the argument.
Displays the icon of the current page, or the content with the title specified by the argument. Use an additional argument to specify the size in pixels.
Displays the value of a custom field with the field ID matching the argument (you can find a field's ID in the Edit tab). The value is taken from the current page, or from the content with the title specified by the next argument. If you specify 'raw' as the final argument, the raw value will be displayed, rather than the rendered value.
Embeds the content with the title specified by the argument.
Replaces the summary of the current page with the provided argument.
Adds to the meta keywords of the current page. The argument should be a comma-separated list of terms.