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Help: Widgets > Multi-page widgets


The multi-page widget-type allows users to create a navigable widget with multiple "pages" of content.

Multiple widget pages should be separated with a |-
Separate widget page arguments from the content with a |

The multi-page widget follows the following format:

[widget]multi-page | arg1="widget-value1" arg2="widget-value2" ... page1-arg1="page1-value1" page1-arg2="page1-value2" ... | page1 content |- page2 content |- page3-arg1="value1" ... | page3 content ... [/widget]

The widget optionally takes the following arguments:

  • label="CustomTitle" - A custom heading to use for the widget block.
  • position="Position" - When used on a wiki page, this can alter where the widget appears. "Sidebar" will add the widget to the sidebar. If a position is not specified, the widget will appear where the BB-Code was entered.

Each widget page optionally takes the following arguments:

  • title="CustomTitle" - Custom navigation text to use for the widget page.
  • htmlAttributes - HTML attributes used to modify or style the widget page.
