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Eevee Helper

Eevee Helper
A Mod for Celeste.


Patient Boosters, Attached Container Core Zones (with Style Mask Helper)

a collection of mechanics mainly based on modifying entities

A collection of mechanics mainly based around moving entities.

For bug reports or feature requests, check out our issues page or contact @vitellary on Discord.

Holdable Tiles
a solid tile block you can pick up and throw! (try not to get crushed)

SMW Track / SMW Platform
tracks from mario world / mario maker, moving entities back and forth on them or, if a side is open, throwing them off onto other tracks! add as many nodes as you want, set flags to toggle parts of the track, and place a mover on the track (SMW Platform or SMW Track Entity Container) to get it going! platforms attach from the gearbox, and can be given a flag to move or set to only start moving once the player touches it

Entity Container
contains any specified entities inside of it and moves them around with the container! each container has an optional "whitelist" option, which is a comma-separated list of class names it should contain (e.g. CrystalStaticSpinner,Booster,JumpthruPlatform) - class names can be found using the log output from the Debug Container
Holdable - the container is holdable, allowing you can pick up and throw any entity
Falling - the container has gravity and gets pushed by solids (enabled by default on holdable containers)
Attached - the container attaches to solids/jumpthrus or any entity specified with the "Attach To" option (place a node to attach it to an entity at the node)
Floaty - the container floats like a floaty space block, with customizeable floatiness!
SMW Track - the container attaches to SMW Tracks from the center of the rectangle (same options as a SMW Platform)
Switch Gate - the container acts like a switch gate, moving to its node when all switches are activated
Flag Mover - a variant of the switch gate container, moves to its node when a flag is activated

Entity Modifier
gives special properties to the entities inside of it, with the same options as entity containers
Flag Toggle - toggles all entities inside it when a flag is active/inactive, making them disappear and reappear
Collidable (No Collide) - makes all entities inside have no collision
Collidable (Solidify) - makes all entities inside that have a hitbox be solid, letting u climb on things like spinners
Collidable (Hazardous) - gives all entities inside a hazardous hitbox that kills the player (does not work on solids)
Global - keeps entities inside it loaded for the entire level (uses loenn names instead of class names)
Depth - modifies the depth of all entities inside of it

Patient Booster
a booster that holds the player inside it until they dash out, made for entity container contraptions. comes in red and green flavors

Core Zones
allows you to have a core mode inside only a certain area! core zones can be set to have the Current core mode, Inverted of the current core mode, always Hot or always Cold.
core zones can also be given a "zone id" which will have their own core mode, which can be changed with the Core Zone Start Controller and the Core Zone Toggle, so you can toggle the core mode of only a small area!
if Style Mask Helper is installed, core zones have an option to create a Color Grade Mask and a Styleground Mask that matches their current core mode.

Room Chest
sends the player to a new instance of a room when they crouch inside the chest
using a Room Chest Exit sends them back out to the room they came from in the same position they entered
based on the puzzle game Recursed

Lenient Ceiling Pop Trigger/Controller
gives you more time to input a ceiling pop when sliding off the bottom of a wall!
this works by freezing you in place at the bottom corner of a block for a specified amount of frames after you slide off of it, until you either input a jump/dash or stop holding grab.

also added multiply, subtract, and reversesubtract styleground blending modes. they dont show up in the dropdown so you have to type them in! also they dont work with transparency
First release
Last update
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