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Sword of Mana

Sword of Mana
Sword of Mana is a 2003 action role-playing game developed by Square Enix and Brownie Brown.

The Mana Tree Needs Defenders! The precise location of the Mana Tree, which is said to be the source of all life, has been lost to mythology for a very long time. After many years have passed, the Dark Lord of the Granz Realm is now looking for the hidden knowledge contained inside the old tree so that he can take control of the Mana supply. Now, a young hero and heroine must work together to defeat the evil force that imperils not just the magical tree but also the planet. Pick your favorite hero! Help a hardened gladiator get revenge for the murders of his parents as you play this action-packed role-playing game! …Or, you may help a little girl who is one of the few people to have survived the Mana Clan as she confronts the memories that torment her. Learn about the adventures of these two heroes as their tales intertwine, and they work together to save the Mana Tree from the evil forces that threaten it. Shinyaku Seiken Densetsu is another name for this term.

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