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metal slug

  1. admin

    News Take A Deep Dive Into Metal Slug Tactics' New Gameplay And Gorgeous Visuals

    We are still expecting Dotemu and Leikier Studio's Metal Slug Tactics to land at Switch at some point this Fall (the specific date is TBA). While we wait, we have a new deep-diving video to keep us occupied and show what's what for the upcoming tactical take on the run-and-gun series. In this...
  2. admin

    Steam Ex-Metal Slug Developers Announce Black Finger Jet, A New Run-And-Gun Game

    KOHACHI STUDIO Co., Ltd has announced that the Tenchu and the Way of the Samurai developer Acquire will co-develop the Metal Slug spiritual successor Black Finger Jet, helping to bring the game's mix of 2D-pixel art and 3D backgrounds to audiences. Acquire has previous experience developing...