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once human

  1. admin

    Steam Steam drops free open-world RPG that's blowing up right now

    Steam users can currently play a spectacular looking MMORPG, and it's giving Horizon: Zero Dawn and Rust vibes. It's called Once Human, and it was released on Steam earlier this month. It's also free-to-play so you can hop into it right now with nothing to stop you. As the game's description...
  2. admin

    News Once Human's Data Privacy Problem Is The Norm, Not The Exception

    You may have heard about NetEase's eagerly awaited free to play open world survival game Once Human, which launched last week. You may also have heard about its controversial seasonal wipes, the backlash over its paid cosmetics, and its (now changed) policy of players not being able to switch...
  3. admin

    Steam Steam's new free open world RPG described as Rust meets Bloodborne

    Combining the best of titles such as Rust and Bloodborne, this brand-new open-world multiplayer survival game is taking the gaming sphere by storm. Once Human is a brand-new title by Starry Studio which combines the chaos of the multiplayer world of Rust with the eldritch horrors found in...