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How to add key_shoot2


so have you ever wanted to add something like vigilante dynamite/any other move that would bind to key_shoot2?
then this tutorial is for you
so we need pizza tower obviously and UTMTCE but you can also use UTMT (NOT RECOMMENDED)
first of all open gml_GlobalScript_scr_getinput and go to line 180
now press enter and paste this code on new line:

key_shoot = (tdp_input_get("player_shoot").held || tdp_input_get("player_shootC").held)
key_shoot2 = (tdp_input_get("player_shoot").pressed || tdp_input_get("player_shootC").pressed)

then after line 203 (before } )add a new line and paste this code

key_shoot = tdp_input_get("player_shootC").held
        key_shoot2 = tdp_input_get("player_shootC").pressed

then after } would be
key_shoot = false
key_shoot2 = false
remove it
now if you did everything right key_shoot2 would work BUT we want to make it rebindable right?
so you need to open gml_Object_obj_keyconfig_Create_0
when you opened it paste this code after ["player_groundpound"],
and dont forget to add , after it.
well thats it, ig you can credit me in your mod if it used, or you wont credit me
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Avid gamer.


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PC/MAC Tutorial information

Chad Waliser
Article read time
1 min read
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