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How to MANUALLY install maps for Map Station


 Go to BombRushCyberfunk\BepInEx\plugins Make a folder inside of it Open archive with a mod and insert files from it into your folder Example Done

why bother with mod loader when you can do it without it?

I'm surprised nobody has made a guide for this but here we go.

In this tutorial I'm NOT going to explain how to install MapStation and just going to assume you have it installed already.

1. Download map of your choice. I'm going to use Emerald Coast mod as an example.

2. Go to BombRushCyberfunk\BepInEx\plugins and make a folder inside of it. It can be named anything you like.

3. Open archive and insert mod files into it

4. Done

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PC/MAC Tutorial information

Chad Waliser
Article read time
1 min read
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