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Homebrew [Download] Decrypt9 - Open Source Decryption Tools (WIP)



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024
Yes, I said I won't do updates here, but things have changed. I am now participating in coding of official Decrypt9 (instead of just doing some visual mods) and I am actively adding new features.

This is a work in progress. For you that means that everything you download from here is pretty much bleeding edge, and that means that bugs may be possible. Everything that is released as a binary has been tested at least by me, on my N3DS v9.0.0 via Ninjhax. Still, for your own safety, make a NAND backup, use precaution and always keep your backups handy.

An important request to everyone using this: The success of this highly depends on feedback. An unrecognised bug now may severely hinder development later on. If you're using this, be fair, leave some feedback. Let me know what feature(s) you used, on which system (O3DS / N3DS) and if everything worked as intended. Also, don't write PMs about stuff that can also be discussed in the open.

You can run this only via arm9loaderhax and on 3DS consoles on and below v9.2 and you need to run it from SysNAND. Also, there won't be a official CIA of this. The ARM9 entry point required for this does not work well with CIAs. If you absolutely must have a CIA look here, here, here or here. ARM9LoadeHax, Gateway (browser), CakeHax and Ninjhax entry points are available.

My own releases (source code is always up to date):
Download: https://github.com/d0k3/Decrypt9WIP/releases
Source Code: https://github.com/d0k3/Decrypt9WIP




Shadowtrances releases (Almost up to date, might miss the newest features):

Download: https://github.com/Shadowtrance/Decrypt9/releases
Source Code: https://github.com/Shadowtrance/Decrypt9



Shadowtrances releases contain a pleasant to look at menu and uses a working directory ("/Decrypt9/") instead of the root directory. Note that the Github source link above leads you to my fork of Decrypt9, changes are pulled into Archshifts official one, but that may take some time, so mine is (probably) more recent but also less tested.

A readme file detailing everything that Decrypt9 can do is included in GitHub. Before you ask a question here in thread make sure the answer is not in included in the readme.

Credits by Archshift

  • Roxas75 for the method of ARM9 code injection
  • Cha(N), Kane49, and all other FatFS contributors for FatFS
  • Normmatt for sdmmc.c as well as project infrastructure (Makefile, linker setup, etc)
  • Relys, sbJFn5r for the decryptor
Credits by d0k3
  • Everyone mentioned by Archshift above
  • Archshift for starting this project and being a great project maintainer
  • b1l1s, Normmatt for their 'behind-the-scenes' work and for making arm9loaderhax support possible
  • patois, delebile, SteveIce10 for Brahma and it's updates
  • mid-kid for CakeHax and for hosting freenode #Cakey
  • Shadowtrance, dark_samus3, Syphurith, AuroraWright for being of great help developing this
  • profi200 for helpful hints that first made developing some features possible
  • Datalogger, zoogie, atkfromabove, mixups, key1340, k8099, Al3x_10m, Supster131, stbinan, Wolfvak, Gelex and countless others from freenode #Cakey and the GBAtemp forums for testing, feedback and helpful hints
  • Everyone I forgot about - if you think you deserve to be mentioned, just contact me

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