Special thanks to @spacemeowx2 at https://github.com/spacemeowx2/switch-lan-play for the tool
and @mastertwin for the tutorial

this works on all firmwares, hacked or not hacked switch, Banned or not Banned switch. game updated prefered. Mainly useful to play in community public servers.

things you would need:

1. Edit Switch Internet settings
-set IP adress to static
-make up an IP address. your unique IP can be anything from to (Except because its Gateway)
-input your made up IP address at the IP address section.
-Subnet Mask stays at
-Gateway stays at
-Configure DNS primary to manual. Configure DNS primary to
if you have a hacked console and are not banned yet, use 90 DNS to avoid telemetry. 90 DNS settings are "" for primary and secondary DNS to ""
-Save and that is it here.


2. Download software

3. Run Software
-Install winpcap fully
-double click on lan-play.exe and copy paste public server of your choice

available public servers:


-press enter. it will prompt you to enter your switch's LAN "interface".

Your interface will be the option containing your PCs IP address.
To find your PCs IP address, go to start on your PC and type in CMD. In CMD type: ipconfig
-you should get something like this


You may get more than one adapters, but In most cases, computer's IP address would be found in the first one. This is the one that connects to the internet and is connected to the router. it will be in the IPv4 section.


In this case interface 5 has the same IP from earlier (computer's IP address). So 5 is the interface that must be chosen. Type 5 and press enter.

if youre having problems with this step you can try different interface numbers until the switch can later on connect to your PCs internet. Also, try resetting your computer and switch if problems persist. Its possible your PC needs a restart to fully instlall wincap

4. Connect internet on Console and verify connected to internet fully.


5. Run game. Head to online play. Highlight Wireless Option. Hold (L+R+LStick ) to enable LAN mode.



5. Join room or create room. Creating a new room helps people join your room if your hosting a match.

6. Enjoy Free Online play with friends/people around the world on the same server.